Mon Sep 10, 2018 01:08 PM
Mid-afternoon Modelbuch (9/10/2018)
I needed a fountain for a scroll I was making for a local SCA baronial teaching award and I found one I liked in the 1544 edition of Peter Quentel’s _Ein new Kunstlich Modelbuch_.
I specialize in non-paper scrolls and I wanted this one to be a box for the recipient’s pigments for when she teaches enameling. I acid etched a copper plate for a box that is filled with tiny compartments. The inspiration image is attached inside the box. I chose to not mask the edges or back of the copper so it would thin out a bit and then trimmed the edges to give it the look of a worn out plate and rubbed ink to highlight some of the image and further give the impression of a well used engraving. The signatures of the Baron and Baroness were also inked in and I thought it would enhance that.