Tue Aug 21, 2018 03:56 PM
Morning Modelbuch (5/15/2018) Morning Modelbuch
I figured I’d feature another book by a woman. We only know her as R.M., but she wrote a book of bobbin lace patterns published in 1561 with her introduction stating the craft was brought to Germany/Switzerland from Italy about 25 years before. This one was republished as _Fascinating Bobbin Lace_ in 1986 by Claire Burkhard, but is pricey and almost impossible to find. It does include modern prickings of the patterns in addition to a facsimile of the modelbuch.
_Nuw Modelbuoch: allerly Gattungen Dantelschnur_ is available for free download at https://www.e-rara.ch/doi/10.3931/e-rara-5463
I think I like it because the laces are more suitable for insertions and trims rather than the pointy style patterns that are in most of the other books that only work as edgings. These just seem more useful. And the frontispiece is just a great little working scene with the snoozing dog.