Research on 16th and 17th century pattern books for embroiderers, lacemakers, and artisans of all kinds
Sat Aug 4, 2018 11:33 PM
Sat Aug 4, 2018 11:33 PM
Morning Modelbuch (4/21/2018)
One of the fun things about looking at the original books rather than recharted designs are random things like this page of tools. One book has a frontispiece with a woman using the coolest box loom to weave tape. Another has a set of illustrations where you see an embroiderer setting up a frame. This page from Tagliete’s 1527 _Opera Nuova che Insigna alle Donne a Cusire_ has lots that makes me happy: scissors, dividers, quill, pen knife, and hourglass. Lots to look at.
The book itself is interesting because it was the earliest modelbuch published in Venice. Venetian publishers would go on to produce far more than their fair share, with more pattern books published there than any other city by a large margin. The book is also interesting because it has a lot of designs that are useful for goldwork and other mediums. While many of the books claim they are for all sorts of craftspeople, it is really only the earliest that have a mix that is suitable for a wide range.
This one is available from the Bibliotheque Nationale de France