Research on 16th and 17th century pattern books for embroiderers, lacemakers, and artisans of all kinds
Sat Aug 4, 2018 10:48 PM
Sat Aug 4, 2018 10:48 PM
Morning Modelbuch (4/20/2018)
This is just one of those perfect pages where everything is useful. Simple, pretty, and utilitarian. Sometimes I look at the detailed patterns in many of the modelbuchlein and go “yeah, that’s never happening,” but these are accessible and quick to stitch. The bottom undulating wave could go on anything from just about any time and not be out of place. The little hearts are approachable by my kids. I’ve put the acorns on several cuffs and one of my scrolls has a motif adapted from the crosses in the hearts.
The publishers agreed. This one of the earliest patterns put out there. This image is from Peter Quentel’s 1527 publication _Eyn new Kunstlich Boich_ Quentel pretty much made a direct copy of Shonsperger’s 1524 _Eyn New Modelbuch_ which was the 2ND Modelbuch ever published. Shonsperger published it in 1524, 1525, 1526, 1527, and 1529. Quentel published it in 1527, 1529, 1532, 1536, 1541, and 1544. After that the patterns will continue to show up in many of the other books as well.
Link to the Met.